I got back from On The Road In The oleragtop, hit my favorite grocery store in my favorite plaza, did a few hours on these tubes looking for gainful employment, spent a little time with thejeepjunkie and the Kid.
I got home last evening and looked around the Taj Mahal and realized I could be interpreted as OC, also.
The images presented below as a case for me being OC are taken in my living room.

I mean, nearly every decoration in the Taj Mahal is automotive based. I have my entire collection of diecast cars out, including the new to me Buick Roadmaster tin friction car thejeepjunkie brought back from the Ozarks. Thanks, Bus, I like it alot!
In the above image, you can see, at the top of that display case, an old French Street sign my favorite teacher in Sl-Ocala had regifted to me. To its right is a cushion I picked up at the Inaugural Indy 200, now an obsolete race, but I attended the first one in 1992 and came away with this souvenir, actually two of them. To the right of that display case are some handicap placards TheGentleman Farmer gave me, a hood ornament off of some unknown car from the '50's. Every time I go to an event, I try to find another one like it. Another Mystery! Just above that is a piece of carbon fiber from a Daytona Prototype thejeepjunkie found in the infield of the Speedway. We saw the car crash at the 24 Hour race and three weeks later we were in the infield at the 500 and he found it and gave it to me. That shelf in the upper right of this image continues all around my upper kitchen cabinets and is full of 1/16 diecast, in addition to those silencer headphones.

The shot above is just to the left of that display case. From the top down: A poster showing the winning Porsche 962 at the 1989 24 Hours of Daytona, the first year I attended. Also pictured are some framed auto related ads, a Cooper Tires clock, a Chevrolet clock, an old hubcap, some license plates, one from Nassau, Bahamas and the other, the Texas tag from the olestationbus. That green tin is a calendar showing an old BMW V8. It is pretty cool. There is no year, you just move the circles from month to month and day to day. It is permanently set on my daughter's birthday. That number 30? That is the plastic sign marking our motorhome parking spot at the 2008 24 Hour race. The yellow frisbee is from the Swamp Buggy races down Naples way. Every year, after the driver's meeting, which is open to the public, the drivers all autograph them and throw them out to the crowd. After everyone left the building, I wandered over to the box of remaining frisbees and grabbed one. I autographed it and it now hangs there, providing fond memories of the only time I attended that redneck race. Finally, just above the license plates is a framed ad showing an old covered bridge shot across a golf green. More importantly, it is the text in the ad that makes it. It is attributed to Jack Benny: "Give me golf clubs, fresh air, and a beautiful partner and you can keep the clubs and the fresh air."
I seem to be making a pretty good case against myself, aren't I?

In the above image the following appear: a cool, old, original Fallout Shelter sign I got several years ago from thehorsefarmer, one of the few non-auto related items I have. A Bo Diddley concert poster from a concert I attended many moons ago at The Regency Showcase in downtown Springfield, Missouri. The two framed prints are of me as a kid, in one I am reading a book entitled Automobile and in the other, I am returning to the car after checking out a wrecked Nova on a hook on a trip with TheGentlemanFarmer. The No Alcohol sign I swiped from a park after a jazz concert in Orlando a couple years ago. Those two frames on the far left are collages made with every race or auto event ticket I had been to, up to that point. And the base to that glass top table is two racing slicks.
Man, I am starting to scare myself.

The above image contains a reproduction firetruck pedal car, a remote control F1 car, a rim from a BBS racing wheel the jeepjunkie and I got one year at about 3am from the wheel guy at the 24 Hour race. On the windowsill are all of the 1/64 scale Citroen 2 CV's I own, most of which acquired from the Bus. That pink tag just above the wheel is the eviction notice for the wrecked oleragtop. An old Ford radiator guard Mom gave me from TheGentlemanFarmer's stuff. She tried to sell it for $15 but no takers. She then wrote my name on the price tag and it remains there to this day. Between that guard and the firetruck is an ice scrapper so kindly given to me by thehorsefarmer. Hope I never need that thing! Incidentally, the two spots on the wall next to that ice scraper are invisible to the naked eye.
The jury is still out but leaning toward OC!

This image contains about half of my collection of 1/43 scale cars, most of my 1/64 and 1/87 scale cars and trucks and a bunch of mixed scale diecast I have acquired over the years. The round chrome things supporting that upper shelf on the top of this display case are center caps from the wheels of a BMW. And a handicapped parking sign that was on the ground behind a building I used to work in. Finally that orange pylon I lifted from the Speedway several years ago and check out that printer stand!!
Now I'm really scared!

This image contains the remainder of my 1/43 collection in that display case, a bunch of old hubcaps and wheel covers, a sign, beside the door, I shamelessly lifted from the World's Most Famous Beach. A cool old mirror Mom gave me a couple posters of NASCAR drivers from thejeepjunkie. The handle next to that Curious George lunch box is connected to an old Bullseye putter. The rock on the floor, next to my front door, I stole from Mount Vernon, the George Washington homestead, on a visit there many years ago when Jessica still lived in that neck of the woods. And the entertainment system here at the Taj Mahal? That chrome radio on top of that display case.

This one shows a portion of my 1/25 collection in that display case, several license plates including one from Exuma and a St. Louis Cardinals one. That Texaco thing on the top of that display case is a doorstop I got off ebay. Actually, it is the second one I have owned. The Kenman liked the first one I owned so much, I gave it to him and won another one. On top of that display case, in addition to the picture of The Gentleman Farmer and me taken next to his Fiat Spyder, are a bunch of auto themed ashtrays. On the wall is a super cool 24 Heures de Lemans poster the Kid gave me. I like it alot. And that tall black thing in front of the wagon made by TheGentleman Farmer for Jessica the Christmas before she was born? It is a spare dashboard I harvested from the wrecked oleragtop for replacement of the cracked one in the new oleragtop.
Even I am starting to believe I am OC!

This is a shot taken from my perch across the room. In it you can see the slow moving vehicle emblem I got this year for Christmas for the olestationbus. To the right of that washer/dryer combo is an old French ad for a Ford Taunus and yes, I have a 1/43 diecast of one in my collection! On the table are two tow trucks hauling race cars and the liquor dispensing gas pump Carri got for me for Christmas. The bulk of the frig magnets are auto related also. Above the frig is the other end of the shelf above my cabinets and shown are the two fire trucks my favorite teacher in Sl-Ocala gave me.

Not even my bedroom escaped unscathed. This is the wall above my desk. A Daytona bucket, a BMW clock, a Grassroots Motorsports calendar, a Goodyear calendar, the old John clock Dad made me and that DUI Checkpoint sign, that is from BBB.

This jeepjunkie built garage contains the remainder of my 1/25 diecast and is located next to my bed.

Above my bed are the two non automotive items I love the most. On the left is an autographed Benny Goodman poster, dated from the early '70's. On the right is the old Gay Philosopher portrait that used to hang in Mom's basement in St. Louis.

In the other corner is the cool plaque Dad made me from the front emblem of a '51 Ford pickup and a ton of auto related stuff on the bulletin boards below. Also included is a pass to get in to see President Ronald Reagon at Hammonds Center in 1980. The only President I have seen in person. I did see Billy Carter once, at his gas station in Plains, Georgia, but that doesn't count. But it was cool.

And this is my bathroom wall! On it are all the Kenman's Christmas cards, parking passes from both Sebring and the Speedway and a couple posters from the 24 Hour race.
Well, I have come to the conclusion, while I may be OC, I like this stuff and don't really care!!
Now I know I ain't buying that race car and coming to visit you.
That car would be hanging from your ceiling..........
Enjoyed the tour and seeing some of that old stuff, 51 hood emblem, etc.
Don't be too afraid, we all have some degree of OCD; some of us just have more than others. Auxarc
gee....I never you had OCD.....I just always thought you had RCSD...
you know...
Really Cool Stuff Syndrome.... guess I need to study up on that...
besides....who else can prove what campsite they were at during the 24 Hours of Daytona.....
I recognize some of that stuff....The Private RN and I used to collect gay philosopher portraits, I think we gave them to Mary.
There was a complete family, mom, dad, kids, even a dog. Who knows where they are now.
That yellow car hauler cardboard cut out---I was looking for that the other day to give to you when the Jeep Junkie was up here.
Worked all day on the plow mechanism for the jeep. Might have it working!
Nice tour of your digs.
Shortly after 9/11 I went on a slow SRP (Stuff Reduction Program) and seven years later after culling the collections and the fall out sign, I can now say: I am a moderate MINIMALIST.
I'm pretty I've seen those stuffies before! Haha, those are all cool-lookin' stuff. I hope you did enjoy your tour.
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