thejeepjunkie, derisively, will tell you that the olelongrooffan is the only person he knows who can make 3 hour trip into a 5 hour trip. I told him, when he mentioned this to me prior to my leaving for the Cards game with the boys, "H*ll yes, I don't deny it." But as I have previously told the Bus, I am doing it for you Counters.
Well, last week, I took just minutes over 3 hours to hotfoot it down to see my nephews to attend a Spring Training game. The ride home? 7 hours, 25 minutes. Beat that jeepjunkie!
Ater attending that victorious Cards game on Thursday and, the next morning, dropping those boys over at that high-faluting golf course, I headed over to A1A, the United State's easternmost highway, and turned north. South Beach was inviting but just not in the budget. The beachside highway down

there in Jupiter, Florida is pretty scenic with its limited beach access and some nice landscaping to boot! Although this image does not show it, there were tons of folks out for their morning walk in this balmy 65 degree weather.

I then had to head over to the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, just for the CDM. Are you at the end of the Rainbow?

And, I just have to wonder, if God loves John at 3 and 16, does God still love John at 49?

I then was heading through Fort Pierce, Florida, an active port town and saw this cool 1973

Chevrolet Impala Station Wagon.

I remember when I was a kid, living on Haven Lee Farm, Halltown edition, a friend of my folks, John Dattola, had a similar longroof. He sold pharmacueticals and based on what those dudes earn these days, I guess he did alright by his family. But the Dattola family is another blog in its entirety.
Oh yeah,

Thanks again National City Bank. We did 'Perk Up With $100' worth of food and drink at the Cards game. Those are the details.
It was funny, when I stopped and got this shot, as I was walking back to the oleragtop, these two cute National Bank Employees came out and the really cute one asked, in kind of a semi hostile way, if she could be of assistance.
Well, I walked over to those babes, or is that babies as they were probably less than half my age?
I mentioned to them I had spent the previous day at the Cards game with my nephews from Boston and Washington state and that your company hosted a party there.
They both nodded and said yes.
I then confided with them the fact we had snuck into that party and ate and drank for free all afternoon.
They started smiling and giggling.
I then finished my conversation with them by stating I had to stop and get a shot of their sign as I was going to blog the whole thing.
We all started laughing heartily and I gave them a big wave and said "Thanks for the great time".
The really cute one said, through her ear to ear grin, "Glad you guys had fun, wish we had been there."
We do too.
It is through times like this I can Celebrate Life.
A ways up US 1, I spotted the winter sleeping spot for this show.

And, after consulting my old fashioned, tree sacrificing road atlas, I thought it only fitting I head over to cruise along the River via Midway Road.

Now Indian River Drive follows closely along the Indian River for the most part. Once, when I was not riverfront, I saw a road off to the right with the name, Rocky Point Road. I passed it by once, whipped a Ueee and got to see those
coquina rocks along to coast of that river.

And in all my 49 years, I am still thankful that

Slow Children still get to Play outdoors.
And the following image, well, let's just say that "OJOHN" is the reaction I get from telling a corny joke more times than I get from someone of the opposite sex these days.

But a little further up the road, I did get to see this Corvair Sedan alongside US1.

I whipped a Ueee and got these images, just for you. Love those louvres in the rear window.

I saw this old Willy's down in front of an antique shop in, I think, Titusville.

A cool old piece, but it is two wheel drive?

I had originally seen this, and had not noticed the Willys in the preceeding images until I cut around the block in this downtown area. NASCAR teams have similar modes of transport, usually for tool boxes and the like.

While I was shooting these images at this location, a friendly afternoon walking elderly, although, again, probably only 10 years my senior!! woman stopped to chat. "Taking pictures of unusual things," she inquired. I mentioned that it seemed to be my life these days and proceeded to tell her about the By The Numbers blog, at which point her eyes glazed over, having no comprehension as to what I was speaking of. I then stopped and asked her if she had seen any unusual things lately. "Just down the street I saw a blue convertible with a Michigan license plate but had an Ohio State University bumper sticker." Well, Counters, if you know of the rivalry between the universities in those two states, you know this is unusual, but not unusual enough to get the olelongroof to go back and get an image of it. Try Google.
Now the vehicle in the following image? That I will whip a Ueee for. Although, in this particular case, I had the opportunity to see it from a distance and no Ueee was necessary. Due to my job search and ebay duties this week, I have not yet had the chance to determine what it is, although I have seen one before. Stay tuned, this mystery will be solved!!

Less than an hour's drive south of the Taj Mahal, I saw this chrome bumpered MG GT parked alongside US1 and had to stop and get a couple shots of it.

These images are headed right over to my favorite, still in print publication,
Classic Motorsports for their "Ran When Parked" section. The placement of the outside rear view mirrors on this sports car are interesting. The driver's side is on the door while the passenger's is on the fender, although, most of the ones I have googleimaged are similarly situated.

I, subsequently, passed by the AMVET's location down in Port Orange and saw these two beauties.

A 55 or 56 Ford Sunliner.

It is an absolutely stunning piece of history.

Aqua green and white and just as desirable at that oleragtop in the background.

With a dashboard possessing more gauges than the olestationbus.

In the same parking lot was this sweet Oldsmobile 88.

I have a jet similar to this one on a shelf in the Taj Mahal. Always wondered what that emblem was original equipment on.

Yeah, a sweet olecoupe

with the 88 numbers on the rear

and dig that tri split window in the rear.

Well, Counters, that was the end of the ride for me.
I got home to a freaking ton of job search, kitchen cabinet remodeling, ebay, and blogging.
I have to, once again, thank Shawn and Eric for inviting me along on this adventure and thanks to thehorsefarmer for his particular involvement in this matter.
Got an email from Shawn, this evening, mentioning they had fun with his Aunt Reenie, Uncle Rick and Cousin Jessica on Saturday and that Jessica was "to smart for her own good". Ahhhh...Family. Gotta Love Them.
And, By The Way, Best Wishes to Kristin, Lil Mom and Jim, NotSoLilJim, on their upcoming addition to the Lee Family.
And it is these ways, we can
Celebrate Life.