Because it was mounted in this sweet old Datsun.

Then I saw this pimped out Mercedes with a V-8 Chevy engine in it. I prefer the more tastefully executed Datsun.

An original mid 60's VW Type I, parked next to a 1921 Ford Model T. You can see it all here.

And then there was this old Morris Minor Truck. Tricked out to the Owner's desires but, much like thejeepjunkie and the Kid, I prefer stock. After all, stock rocks!

I also saw this pimped out Porsche Whaletail. If the image was any clearer, you could really see what a POC this is.

Behind it was parked this MG. It is nice but I am not sure about those wheels. Period correct wire wheels would rule.

A newer Mercedes that looked pretty sharp also.

A relatively rare car, except at the Historic Races, a Porsche 914.

And then this Maserati Quadroporte that those of you counting along with me have seen before.

and a super nice Porsche 944 was parked right next door to that Maserati and 914.

and that 944 was alongside this Jaguar XJ6. One of these with a Chevy 350 would fit right in the olelongrooffan's dream garage.

And after seeing all these cool old imports, I came across this malaise 80's era Toyota Tercel wagon. Other than the plastic chrome wheel covers, the only thing this POC had going for it was the fact it is 4 wheel drive.

And that is the import edition of What I Saw Today at the Turkey Run.
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