It was a great ride. It was an '88, 2WD, 4 speed on the floor, 4 cylinder. I bought for $3,000.00 with 30,000 miles. Oh yeah, no air. Well in south Florida air conditioning is highly recommended. I drove it as a third car for a couple years and then sold it for $3,000. It is funny, Justin and thejeepjunkie came over to my place up in Pine Ridge, it was about 3 acres, and tried to roll a huge rock up the tailgate into the bed. Still not sure why but they sure messed up that tailgate and it never worked the same again.
Anyway, he called me a couple hours later to head over to the Kid's house to perform the necessary repairs to my new oleragtop. We did and it runs great! I am so excited to have a ragtop again.
As is accounted in thejeepjunkies post here, we ended up doing a bunch of stuff that day and it was a blast to be around him and work with him again. It is nice to have similar thought patterns as there was hardly any talking necessary as we think many things alike.
I will admit, I was a bit concerned when he brought out the sledge and a big pry bar to try and break that intake manifold loose. It turns out we had missed a nut buried way down in the fuel sending unit and got it loose and that manifold just lifted off. Had pretty good timing in getting it fixed.
And, as thejeepjunkie related, we headed over to our Ace is the Place and picked up a new dryer vent. As the hole in the side of his house needed to be enlarged to accomodate this new piece, I broke out the sawzall and proceeded to enlarge that hole. thejeepjunkie came racing around the corner all up in arms. I told him to just worry about what he is doing inside, after all, this isn't my first beach party. He relaxed and headed back inside and we got that project completed and then moved on to his new old CJ, then the Kid's old CJ.
All in all, a great, productive day and I look forward to many more. Thanks Lil Bro.
Celebrate Life.
1 comment:
didn't realize you were shooting a video.....damn I am a jeep junkie..
just look at m driveway....oil stains and all.....gotta get those cleaned up....but damn it was FUN..
from one jeep to another....had a great time and you are back again a ragtop again.....
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