It was a little overcast and windy as we were experiencing some affects of Hurricane Gustav, although absolutely nothing like the mid south is getting this morning. God's blessing on everyone in that area.
Anyway, I took the 850 down on the beach as it has that all important red sticker allowing me free access to that sandy strip known as the Birthplace of Speed.
I got down to the jeep junkie's beachhead and got out the trusty ole beach chair and towel and sat down next to the jeep junkie to just watch all the activities on the beach and in the water.
the Kid and his sister were out in the water trying their hands at surfing. They both are pretty good at it. the Kid caught several good rides and I remembered when I was much younger how I enjoyed surfing up near the panama strip. Ah...too old for that now.
As I was sitting there, I noticed all of these rental beach Karts going by and thought I would shoot a few images of them to share with ya'll.
The one below is in the shape of a late model Ford F150.

And here is the rear.

The following images are of, I'd say, a 59 Corvette.

Complete with spinners.

This is a pretty cool old Model "A" type vehicle.

These guys seem to be enjoying it.

The yellow body with black fenders looked real sharp.

Of course, there were a few regular old Karts.

This one must have just returned from safari.

This one is in the shape of a '57 Chevy.

All jacked up.

Of course, there are donks everywhere.

But the following image shows the coolest Kart on the beach on that day.

That's right, an old Meyers Manx dune buggy on a VW chassis. Fit right in with the Kid's CJ5.

Of course, the jeep junkie had to have a project trying to fix this worn out Kadima paddle.

While the Kid and his sister built

The Daytona International Sandway.
All in all, a nice, relaxing day on the beach and thanks to the jeep junkie for including me in it.
Sure can tell you didn't get your photo skills from RGL SR. Cars are too far away
next time get closer so us poor folks can see what you rich folks have down there in speedland.
Great parade today, Jim got some good pics, Kristin got even better ones.
Horsefarmer and Barngoddess1
Hey can I get a red pass if I bring the stagecoach and 4 up down there.
We could have a ball cruising the beach .....
Ok better yet, bring the coach and the Springfield wagon and we could have a parade on the beach.
Jeep junkie could follow up and be the official pooper scooper, relieving the Bus to clean up the Clerk's office.
Horsefarmer and Barngoddess1
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