The ad copy read "Gusto is back, 55 or older (Must Show ID).
I was surprised. I had only thought of Schlitz in the abstract recently. I captured the following image while doing the Mario Andretti road trip with the foam guy on our way to Lake Stockton about a month ago.

Then I remembered I had this image in my library, trying to figure out when I would use it. Here seems to be a good time.

Anyway, it appears Central Florida is one of the test markets for the reintroduction of Schlitz Beer to the masses, but you must, apparently, be 55 to be able to acquire it. I looked in my local ABC liquor store and it is not available here yet. The kid working there, when I asked about it, did not even know what it was. He asked me if it was a micro brewery? I told him, No, It was the Beer that made Milwaukee Famous.
The official website is here. Here is an article about this comeback.
I guess retro Mini Coopers, HHR's and Land Cruisers aren't enough. Now we get retro beer.
I used to sale Schlitz off my route when I drove for Clear Creek Distrubiting Company, in town it sold best on the northside, one or two cases a week maximum. Seemed like the closer to Arkansas I got the more I would sell...Lil Jim
Dude, that's firewater!
My dad used to drink Schlitz and SGA back in the day. Maybe the brewery is trying to capitalize on the PBR and Bud nostalgia.
Ah....I remember when PBR was King.
used to swipe them and never thought anyone was anywizer...Schiltz and the runs and caught a buzz at the same time...just hope they come back with the same easy opener top...old school is old school.. if it tast good..then it mus tbe good for's gotta beat drink an import now..Bud Lite..
Kevin said...
Schlitz is and has been available at CVS (Skaggs)
I bought a twelve for $5.99 when I was feeling poor one day when the fridge was on the fritz. Since A-B no longer exists in my heart, I may, again, have to resort to it when my stock of Old Style and Pabst runs out.
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