Number of Highways Traveled: 10
Number of Construction Zones: 10
Number of Cop Cars Seen: 18
Number of Big Boats Seen on Trailers: 4
Number of U-Hauls Headed North on I-75: 10
Number Seen Headed South: 1
Number of Avanti Coupes on Flatbeds Seen: 2
Number of Citroen 2CV's on Flatbeds Seen: 1
Number of Vintage Triumph TR4's on Flatbeds Seen: 1
Number of Miles Traveled Today: 310
Number of Dollars Spent on Petrol Today: $91.16
Number of the Price Per Gallon: $3.99, $4.09
Number of Gallons These Dollars Represent: 22.54
Number of the Average Miles Per Gallon: 25.1
Now, By The Numbers:
I woke up this morning no worse for the wear having stayed at the Scottish Inn in Lake City, luckily, I haven't had a scotch in some years, neither human nor liquid.
I was running late, when I got a call from BigBrotherBob, as I was getting out of the shower, inquiring my Estimated Time of Arrival. As yesterday, when we spoke, I mentioned I was planning to get there around 11:30 or 12, he commented that 'John, you are always late'. My response was, 'It is not me, but the women I travel with'. We got a chuckle about that. Anyway, as I was running late, I mentioned it would be closer to 1 by the time I arrived. I only wish I had remembered to blame it on that hour I lost yesterday.
So I got showered and on the road.
I had not even left the parking lot of that Kilted Castle when I saw this sign.

Now if this dude crapps real estate, I can only wonder what he does with appraisals.
No further comment, just thought that was funny. Hope the Kid and the youngsters are not offended.
Now I am traveling down I-75, a Super Speedway I have traveled a whole damn bunch of times and realized my exploration part of this adventure was over, now I am merely on the express part of this trip, to meet BigBrotherBob's schedule and not have my tardiness be a part of every story he ever tells of me in the future.
However, on the way down 75 I did see this cool old 62 Nova 4 door sedan on a trailer going to a new home.

My first words to BBB upon arrival was that he could refuse nothing. Everything sent his way was done by the expressed intent of the Trustees in charge and he could refuse nothing. Although BBB inquired several times, "Wouldn't you like this?; Give this to Ed." I refused. A Trust is not to be taken lightly.
So, at BigBrotherBob's place and, as with the Trust placed in me by my siblings, I delivered Mom's possessions to their final resting place at the very nice, and sincere, grotto BBB and Debra had built for Mom.

It is in a quiet part of their yard, just near enough to the pool area to enjoy the voices of all of the participants of the use of the pool, yet far enough away so as not to antagonize her thought process, or, as Mom always maintained, the time to, not take a nap, but to "Rest My Eyes".
As much as BBB will hate to hear this, it is very tasteful and a real tribute.
After an enjoyable lunch at a favorite southern BBQ joint, Sonny's, at which, much to my discernation, BBB revealed none of his future actions, I hit the road back toward the Birthplace of Speed and my own bed, after a 16 day road trip.
While heading across I-4, between Tampa and Orlando, I got caught up in the feverish driving patterns of those of us who live in Florida, sometimes, fall into. That is the destination, rather than the journey.
That is until I saw this....

But the Heirarchy of the Government of Hillsborough County has told the Owners of this work of art, reminisent of the Cadillac Ranch

I actually whipped a Uee at an exit on I-4 and drove 18 miles round trip to get a photo of that Airstream Ranch for the bus, well, and for me also.
A little further along, I saw this Mickey Mouse utility pole and knew I was nearing home.

When I finally got off on 17-92, also known as International Speedway Boulevard, I started to get excited about being nearer the Birthplace of Speed and the home of the World's Most Famous Beach.

I knew I was nearing the end of my obligations to my family, at least as far as this version of On The Road, By The Numbers is concerned, when I delivered the new foam rubber for the jeep junkie and the Kid, lovingly provided by Mike,

Alas, all good adventures must end and this one did also. Luckily, the 850* made it back to its home beach and

with a Nod of The Head to the Horse Crap issued at Haven Lee Farm

And that Mascot seen on the Dashboard of the 850* on the return trip? Well, it is resting nicely among its newfound family here in sunny Ormond Beach, Florida.

To all of you who have been counting along with me On The Road, By The Numbers, I have had a total blast, every moment. To those who have made me feel at home, in your home, thank you. To those to whom I have distributed my URL cards, I hope you have enjoyed this bit of my travels and hope you continue to count. To those whom I have linked on this blog, especially danielsbigtrip, all the best to you, and remember, Celebrate Life.
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