I thought you Counters out there might enjoy a sober, daylight view of BBB and Debra's place in the Tampa Bay area.
As I have previously mentioned, BBB loves the Key West way of life and has a good time finding the stuff necessary to surround himself with the luxury items necessary to do so.

BBB is the social director of the neighborhood they live in. There are a couple young boys in that neighborhood. BBB refers to them as kid 1 and kid 2. A month or so ago, BBB acquired this go cart from the jeep junkie and the Kid for an undisclosed sum of money. Considerably less than Haas Racing paid for Tony Stewart though. The sole reason for the acquisition of this go cart was for the neighborhood kids to have something to play with. Yep, that is BBB, unlimited resources to get what he wants. Anyway, he built this trailer to haul behind that John Deere tractor. He is in the process of acquiring the decals necessary to rebadge this old Valvoline sponsored Grand Prix into a John Deere sponsored machine.

BBB told me, the "B & D" Race Team at the top of the photo is not for "Bob and Debra" but stands for "Bad and Dangerous".
Later, he showed me the tool box that goes with this race team.

He then opened it up to show me the tools necessary to function as a team member of B & D Racing.
BBB relegated his first John Deere to the backyard.

And the pool area, including that covered bar, of which I played a sizable role in helping construct.

And, of course BBB's motto for life.
More shots of the pool area and the post on which BBB let Kim and me inscribe our initials.

These shots are of a "doll house" BBB and Debra have in their dining room. And the only Christmas decorations you will see at their home, and it is July.

Mom's tasteful Grotto.

BBB bought this John Deere tractor to mow his sizable estate.
This is it. He has to mow the neighbors front yard just to turn the damn thing around.

BBB asked me to take this photo to show the preliminary repairs to the body work of this old Grand Prix to the jeep junkie and the Kid.

BBB seems to be hooked, currently, on all things John Deere. Note, the temperature shown on that thermometer is incorrect. It was currently around 90 degrees. I think BBB set that at the shown 50 degrees as it is always cool around his place.

Hope you enjoyed the brief visit to BBB's place. I know I did.
Dude, Pabst Blue Ribbon isn't a tool, it's a punishment.
CDM--it may be called brand loyalty. Our grandfather, Alphonse H. Teppe, of St. Louis, was big shot with Pabst Brewers. We ONLY drank PBR at his house and at certain times of the year we drank bock PBR. If you didn't drink PBR, you drank Vess soda, usually Vess Cream Soda. I have several vintage advertisements for PBR, one of which hangs in my living room.
Now, at our other grandfather's house, we drank Budweiser and Pepsi.
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