Friday, July 29, 2011

On The Road Denver Edition: The Birthday Edition

Dateline Denver, Colorado; July 29, 2011

So, this olelongrooffan is still in the Mile High City and working on my buddy's "John Lee" house.  The past couple days I have been trying to source a unique sized window for placement in the kitchen so as to allow the upper cabinets desired by the new owners of this home.

And, of course, while out and about finding this window, this olelongrooffan spotted this uber cool old International Harvester step van and just had to gather an image of it for those of you Counting Along With Me.

Now, on to the Birthday Edition.  Today Big J turned thirty years old. To me it's pretty cool as I bought my first home at 30 and that is when Big J, then Little J, and I met.  I was mowing the lawn of that first home of mine and absolutely hating it. Mowing Sucks and that's all there is to it.  Anyway, as I turned the corner of yet another row of grass to be mowed, I spotted this nine year old kid standing on the sidewalk watching me. In typical Tom Sawyer fashion, I stopped that mower and extolled the virtues of mowing grass to Little J and offered him ten bucks to complete the job.

He took me up on that offer and we have been friends ever since. Twenty one years and on going. It is fun to be here with him and a dinner out hosted by his partner Ellie is forthcoming. I am sure we will Celebrate Life.

In an effort to clean up our jobsite for this inprompto party site, the tools got shuffled off to a location near some discarded stove pipe.  After this blog is posted, this olelongrooffan is going to move those tools to their proper resting place.

And what birthday is complete without the carbonated beverages of choice. Unlike at the Taj Mahal ( I miss that place), here the canned beverage of choice is either Pabst Blue Ribbon or locally produced Coors Light.

This is a window I raised in the kitchen to clear the cabinets and backsplash upon their installation. Vinyl and double insulated, definitely worth reusing.

This past week after installing that slightly dropped ceiling in the kitchen, this olelongrooffan installed some insulated flexible duct work. Ready for wiring and drywall to be installed.

And the window sitting on the floor is the one I have been searching for this past couple days it was located just after seeing that International Harvester step van. I am pretty sure karma was involved there.

More ductwork, this time in the living room ceiling heading to the guest bedroom and the master bedroom upstairs.

And with those former kitchen cabinets now located out of the way in the living room, we have a place for all of the odds and ends to settle. And yes, jeepjunkie, that is a gen-u-ine Goodyear air hose this olelongrooffan scored at Harbor Freight for a mere twenty bucks. Murican Made.

I also framed out this wall in the laundry room on the rear porch area. Big J balked at the twenty bucks for the recessed washer box but this olelongrooffan insisted and here it is.

Well Counters, that does it for a project update. Ellie is summoning me to join them as we all head out to Big J's birthday dinner and to

Celebrate Life.

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