This olelongrooffan found out quite by accident that there was the BFE GP, a 24 Hours of LeMons race just an hour east of Denver this past weekend. I attended that race and this olelongrooffan was treated rather nicely by the powers that be, including free admission! Yeah it was a blast. I did a few posts live over in the Hooniverse and thought I would share them with those of you Counting Along With Me.
Dateline Deer Creek, Colorado; July 9, 2011

So unbeknownst to this olelongrooffan when I arrived in Denver, the BFE 24 Hours of LeMons is this weekend. Once I found that out, I knew that attendence at that afternoon open air concert in downtown Denver was out the window. I headed east on I-70 to find my way to High Plains Raceway in Deer Creek, Colorado.

Once I got on State Road 36, the BFE name for this race became abundantly clear.

And as I further progressed, I thought I might have missed the track so I pulled a Ueey in that old Westie I am driving. I had gone less than a mile in the reverse direction when I spotted a vintage Mini Cooper wagon, an Audi R8 and a Porsche Caymen heading in the opposite direction. Well, spotting those cars made me realize I was mistaked so I whipped another Ueey and contined east and just over the next hill was the raceway.

So I pulled Filmore in line to gain admission to the craziness that is a 24 Hours of LeMons race. Thanks to a well placed email to a certain editor of a really cool blog, he was able to obtain a free pass for this olelongrooffan to gain admission to this event and a pit pass. (thanks Tim)

And trust me my fellow Hoons, this event is just a zany as you think. I missed the tech inspection yesterday but even today, bribes were still being offered to Judge Phil and King Jay.

There are just not enough words to describe it, so I won't, just enjoy a few images.

The drivers of this machine showed up to the drivers meeting sporting old school orange life vests.

As I was standing watching the cars line up to get on the track and I struck up a conversation with the crew of this longroof. They are cool as hell and thought it was fantastic this olelongrooffan was able to lose my 24 Hours of LeMons virginity at this event.

And this Celica has a serious case of identity crisis.

One of the other longroofs sported a Space Shuttle theme and once they were able to get that leak in the fuel tank stopped, they headed onto the track will all the other drivers.

Even Dale Earnhardt, Sr. did not escape notice in all this Hoonage.

And if this '56 Renault 4CV doesn't win the IOE, something is seriously wrong.

And Jay so wanted this Model T truck to be the pace vehicle.

I am sitting in the Penalty Pavillion totally enjoying Murilee Martin and Jay Lamm administer the multitude of penalties these drivers deserve.
I was hoping to put up a few posts from the track but bandwidth out here in BFE is about as wide as a human hair. I'll get some more stuff up later today, once I get back to civilization.
Hope my fellow Hoons enjoyed this and if you ever get the opportunity to attend one of these races, you have got to do it.
Now back to the craziness.
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