So after a fantastic trip through the Rocky Mountain foothills with Big J on Sunday, Monday presented itself an opportunity for this olelongrooffan to get out and misdirect myself all around the Mile High City.
Well Counters, I was successful in that endeavor and found myself in Bear Creek Park in southern Denver, Colorado. It is a pretty cool spot.
And of course there was a huge statue there, totally in line with the taste of this olelongrooffan. This semi submerged, sombrero wearing cowboy sure captures all that is good in my world.
There is a brief ballad on the wall surrounding the largest cowboy boot ever seen.
And as Elaine from my favorite sitcom says,
"It's a Dingo Baby!"
The sombrero serves as a children's slide and I was lucky enough to capture a rare moment without a kid sliding down it.
And this olelongrooffan thought my knees were knobby!
So after checking out that huge statue, I decided to get out and wander around and check out Bear Creek.
I absolutely love all of the snow related signs around these here parts. I spotted one on Saturday that stated "No snowplowing between 7 pm and 6 am."
Anyway, Bear Creek was very scenic and the gentle lullaby of the rapids held my attention for quite a while.
Now I am confident those Counting Along With Me who live in areas that possess these type of water bodies won't have a second thought of these views.
However, this olelongrooffan is from the central Florida area and waterfalls and river currents are almost none existent and these are certainly some enjoyed views.
Yeah, I am trying to pull a Kris here and get all artsy fartsy with my image taking abilities.
There was a nice pair of waterfalls just down stream and this is the upstream view of them.
And from the downstream angle they looked even better.
And it appears Bear Creek is a runoff for the adjacent Colorado Highway 285 when needed. Based on the downfall received in the Denver area last evening, this pipe must have been filled to capacity.
And this olelongrooffan sat on the shore of that creek and justed enjoyed the serenity
and peacefulness of that set of rapids sure allowed this olelongrooffan to
Celebrate Life.
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