was Biketoberfest down here in the home of the
World's Most Famous Beach?
I thought you might enjoy a short video of the hoons on these bikes over on the Mainland at the intersection of US1 and State Road 40. The BP petrol station seen near the end of this video is the same one at which I shot the video for
this blog.But this olelongrooffan has This To Say About That:
Biketoberfest was weekend before last;
that means the Daytona Dream Cruise was this past weekend!!!
Hot da*n. The Harleys are gone and the cool old stuff on four wheels is back in town!!!
So I was over at a friend's home this morning and, after which, I dropped by thejeepjunkie's shop to check in and see what his schedule was.
While I was there, I got to
see the "7" and just, in general, shot the bull with thejeepjunkie.
At some point during that visit we talked about hooking up at Bellair Plaza for the dream cruise after he attended the Kid's sister's fast pitch softball games down in Port Orange.
In the meantime, the Kid calls thejeepjunkie and it turns out the Kid is out "looking for pumpkins." I mention that now 17 year old Kid could just go right down the street to that church with the pumpkin patch out front and get just what was needed.
"Yeah, right," was thejeepjunkie's reply.
I have to tell you, sometimes this oleunemployedconstructionworker forgets what it is like to be a 17 year old young man. But know, whenever thejeepjunkie shares with me the exploits of the Kid, it all comes rushing back.
So, this olelongrooffan heads off to the Taj Mahal, beachside here in the
Birthplace of Speed and I cruise up A1A sharing my famous roadway with some
pretty cool
blown muscle
cars and, much more to my liking,
classic old beauties.
So I get up near the Taj Mahal and the Kid placed a rare call to this olelongrooffan.
Whatca doing, johnjohn?
Just cruising up A1A. What about you?
Heading over to Bellair Plaza.
I'll be there in ten.
See ya there johnjohn
So the Kid and I hooked up at Bellair Plaza and got a look see at what had shown up at the 2nd annual Daytona Dream Cruise, Afternoon Edition.
the Kid and I both liked this pair of BMW 2002's.

The black one below was ultra nice with lots of factory instrumentation and cool late model wheels.

This ole Packard was a part of the
Power Tour 2009. While the patina on the exterior was a faded look, the undercarriage and interior were in excellent condition and it was equipped with some pretty meaty shoes. Enlarge this image and check out that hood ornament and the license plate in the center of that chrome front bumper.

This is a
BMW art car knockoff based on a sweet ole 850, no, not this ole
850truckster wannabe. Interestingly enough, the owners had removed the front bucket seat of their 850. I don't know why they had done that but I know
why this olelongrooffan did. And BMW even commissioned a M1 art car, of the same body style as the one in the
music video I posted awhile back.

And we spotted a sweet early 60's Imperial. Thanks
Mr. Drysdale for letting me enjoy this car, at least via the boob tubes, in my youth.

And, yes, that is the Kid's rusting away CJ5 and this olelongrooffan's olestationbus in the background of the above image.
And check out the paint on this cool ole Pontiac Coupe. Although when I
posted this similar era Chevrolet, I was informed it is not a coupe but a two door sedan. Well, coupe or sedan,

either way, it was a beautiful piece of automotive history!
As the Kid and I walked by this sweet ole Firebird, I mentioned that thejeepjunkie's Godparents had a similar era Camaro back in the day.

Yeah, back then, I thought Uncle Joe and Aunt Sue had the coolest stuff compared to us. Now, I realize it was because they had three kids and he was a MD, while TheGentleman Farmer and Mom had ten kids on a journalist's salary. But I can tell you this, I wouldn't trade the experience of
a day on Haven Lee Farm, either
Halltown Edition, or
thehorsefarmer's edition, for anything.
Just down the row, the Kid and I spotted what I think is a 41 Chevy Panel Delivery...

And that cool black 2002 0ut on A1A

I must confess, I missed the make on this one but it was pretty sharp with black wire wheels, big shoes, and it was turned out in an excellent stance.

A couple of Buick Grand Nationals, a similar era Regal and a 66 GTO post which all headed out together while the Kid and I watched their exit.

We then saw this beautiful bone stock 59 Mercury

just after seeing this mildly rodded 59 El Camino, similar to the 59 post seen in the above image.

Finally, we spotted this cool Snap On Tools peddling Studebaker 1 ton which is locally based and, while I have seen it many times, this is the first time I have found it stationary to get an image of it for all you Counters out there.

Well, as the Kid had to get on home to get thesungoddess's lawn mowed before she got home from the Kid's sister's softball games, we called it an afternoon.
We did, however, hook up back at Bellair Plaza that Saturday evening with thejeepjunkie's CJ2A, the Kid's CJ5 and this olelongrooffan's olestationbus and we experienced memories we will savor for a long time.
However, the trusty ole Polaroid just ain't that good after dark and since the Kid decided to go surfing with his i-phone in his pocket, his flash doesn't work anymore, no photographic evidence is available of that fun evening.
But know, that evening, we did
Celebrate Life.