Upon arrival, I spot the two CJ's but not twins and have a good chuckle. It seems thejeepjunkie has come up with some cockamamie story about his flatfender's (shown here on the left) acquisition for the Sungoddess and she agreed to let that "cute" CJ grace the driveway at the Kid's house.

It seems the Kid was out with Sungoddess doing a little birthday shopping, his is the 22nd. The Kid's sister was over at some friend's house hanging around so it was just thejeepjunkie and me hanging in his garage, solving life's problems while thejeepjunkie tinkered around on Bob's new CJ2A. After returning a borrowed Kayak, a two man boat thejeepjunkie and the Kid borrowed from an FHP trooper friend, he is cool as is his wife. Has a backyard the Gentleman Farmer would be proud of. Anyway, upon our return, thejeepjunkie got to painting and installing a gas tank in his new CJ. It turns out he had originally gotten this for one of the Kid's previous Jeeps and was not the right part for it so thejeepjunkie, like every Lee male I know, decided to hang on to it, "just in case".

How did thejeepjunkie get his newest baby home? By towbar behind the Kid's CJ5.
The following is a video I shot today over at the Kid's house of thejeepjunkie's CJ2A running, although with fuel from a gas can as this was prior to the installation of that new tank. It is about a minute long.
The following video is about 4 minutes long. I shot it last night when I hooked up with thejeepjunkie and the Kid in route to the Kid's house. Complete with an admiring YJ owner and to the symphony of Harley's in the background. Take a few minutes to look into the lives of thejeepjunkie, the Kid and ole longroof.
And that is What I Saw Today.
sThanks for the video.
I was contemplating a visit to the Birthplace of speed, but you made me realize the fact of life.
$2.79 a gallon. What is diesel running??????
And all that noise...... may not need my mechanical ears to hear that sound, now can't hear anything.
Love the video, and loved to see the Kid and the Jeep. Damned glad to be able to visit long distance.
And the Celebrate Life..........where is mine?????????
#10 called today and relayed everything was ok yesterday. Arrive late, leave early. then they relaxed and partied.
Go #10.
Horse farmer
videos are wonderful devices...at least you bleeped the pg18 lines...
good video at Granada & US 1...guy in the grey jeep was realy cool..
thanks for hanging out today and helping me return the kayak...it was realy peaceful hanging out in the garage today...sorry about cutting the window too short...at least some of the rain will be kept out...reminds me to fix the windscreen on the kid's jeep...it leaks on the bottom where the seam is....found out last night in the rain....oh and rain-ex works wonders....who needs wipers....
I agree with Tom let her go for the pink. I had a school bus yellow VW Rabbit when I was in school and I didn't get away with anything.
Uncle Ed,
All I wanted was a blue pick up (the real pretty blue kinda like the sky on a really sunny day, but between it and the dark nasty rainy blue sky color.) and what did I end up with in High School. A 1951 ford F-1 pickup....I couldn't drive 36 in a 35 mph zone without someone callin mom. Of course the truck only went 45 down hill with the windat your back...right dad??
Let her have her pink jeep, the least it will do is give her a heck of alot of good memories for when she is my age.
love ya'll
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