I am in the Kid's garage watching him load up his CJ5 to head down to the beach with his sister and thesungoddess. thejeepjunkie is lurking around just waiting for thesungoddess to head out so he can get to figuring out why the brake lights on the olestationbus aren't working.
Well, the Kid gets his ole CJ loaded up with surfboards, thesungoddess's chair and a couple tennis rackets and tennis balls and, after the sunscreening up of the Kid and his sister, they set off.

Just a moment to allow thesungoddess to get out of the neighborhood, after all, thejeepjunkie agreed to thesungoddess's request not to work on any old Jeeps on this Easter Sunday as all of their neighbors had guests over, he told me to get that olestationbus in the driveway. 'Hey longroof, it's not a Jeep.'
I promptly backed it in that drive.
You see a couple weeks ago, as I was heading home from this event and seeing these, an older gentleman, yeah probably 5 years older than me but his hair was gray!!, on a vintage Harley passed me on A1A down in Daytona Beach and hollered at me through the open driver's side window of that olestationbus that it appeared the olestationbus's brake lights were not operable.
Now, I have to tell you, when ever I see the brake lights out on another vehicle, I always try to inform the driver of that bit of information as the only time your brake lights are on is when you step on the brakes. How else would you know? Besides, Officer Friendly always loves a reason to pull you over. Hope you provide the same courtesy to a fellow motorist.
So, anyway, this brings us to Easter Sunday at the Kid's house.
After a wonderful, home cooked meal of spiral ham, green bean casserole, au gratin potatoes, seven layer salad, deviled eggs (not quite as good as the Bus's though) and carrot cake cupcakes, thejeepjunkie's family heads off for My Beach. It seems there was not even a question of thejeepjunkie going.
After all, there was an old car, well in this case an olestationbus, to work on. The beach be d*mned.
Besides, the Master's was on the boob tube.
The first thing thejeepjunkie did was to make sure there was nothing wrong with the bulb. Since I had replaced that specific bulb during my 65 Hours of San Antonio light bulb change, I knew that was not the problem.

Well, thejeepjunkie, showing his known prowess of all things automotive, then diagnosed the problem as the expiration of the "two post brake light switch located on the rear of the brake master cylinder". This, apparently, is a common component of the monitoring system of vehicles from 1978 on back. It appears that in the rear of the brake master cylinder is a screw in electric piece that control the brake lights.
Now, the interesting part of this, well at least to this olelongrooffan, is that access to the master cylinder is more difficult than thejeepjunkie's ole CJ2A.

I mean we had to remove part of the front grille and the belly pan, and thought we had to remove the driver's side head light bezzle (read FAIL here), from theolestationbus just to get to the master cylinder. Allow me to tell you Counters that that is a sight better seen from a distance than up close!
Then it was off to Advanced Auto Parts for this 2 post brake light switch needed for this 47 year old vehicle. Think they might have one? H*ll, think they are open?
Guess What? They Had One!! And Open On Easter Sunday!! It pays to hang out with thejeepjunkie and the olelongrooffan!!!
So, of course, thejeepjunkie makes short order of replacing that near obsolete part and then decides to get online to post his Easter Sunday blog.

Well, by now, I am confident those of you who Have Been Counting Along With Me will remember this and this and it reminds me of fun times with Great Family Members....Missing you all and

know that seeing these stickers everyday allows me to
Celebrate Life.
well it's about time that you got the Easter Post up, heck it's already Tuesday......
Loved the part about the "FAIL"
done that so many times it is part of the ritual of working on old long roofs and Broncs.
Hey, got the window regulators in for the Barngoddess1's Bronc, just haven't put them in yet....
waiting for a nice day....
in MO???? never!@!@###@#!@@#
will post that later,
Cards won today, but alas I had to work to pay for my toys........
damned toys... NO dammed work.
John John, loved the Wd verify you gave VIOLA RULES.................
What does FAIL stand for? Something to do with Fords I will warrant.
We had almost the same menu here for Easter, add noodles and subtract seven layer salad. In recollection, we had no salad.
Jim's Wife makes very good desserts. A tie dyed cake and an eclair cake with french vanilla filling and graham cracker crust.
I've started eating desserts. (I got out of the habit after 30 years of Mom baking me a cake for my birthday).
Deviled eggs---we had them too and I made them! They are my specialty and, if everything works, are delicious.
Enjoy your blog and keep up the good work!
I just wanted make a post, the word verification is 'sidased' ---side ass, heh, heh, get it?
We couldn't get to the master cylinder through the headlight bezzle. The intake for the drivers fresh air vent was in the way. We had to remove the bellypan and access it from beneath.
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