Usually during Happy Hour, thejeepjunkie gets two or three calls from his shop to clarify some things that have transpired at his shop that day. Additionally, he almost always gets a call from thesungoddess regarding some matter or another. Tonite was no different.
The distinction was that, tonite, thesungoddess called from the beachside St. Brendan's school where she was picking up the Kid's sister from some event or another.
And the reason she called this time?
She spotted this flying south along the coast returning to Cape Canaveral.

thejeepjunkie and I got to see it fly by at probably no more than 1,500 feet in the air anticipating its landing just a short sixty miles south of here. It was so close we could make out the NASA badging on the side of that tailwing.
Sorry, no first hand photos, the Polaroid was out in the olestationbus and that duo was out of sight before I could get to it.
Just know it was super cool to see, a first time sighting for both thejeepjunkie and the olelongrooffan.
And all the while we continue to
Celebrate Life.
Check out this Soviet space shuttle piggyback.
this was a first for me, and there aren't many of those left in my world....
what a site knowing that this was our country's pride and joy....
it was cool that they flew down the coast...almost as if they were showing off...kind of like the Navy and Air Force jets flying over sporting events....
although better....another reason to.....
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