Well, here is my coffee table. There are three on that table. And the green bus on the floor beyond? the Bus sent me that as a part of a sweet traveling museum of car stuff he thought up and I initiated. By the way, that horse book on my coffee table is going to the Kid's sister.

So I was out at the VDub show on Sunday and picked up a couple souvenirs. Note the relative word in that definition is inexpensive. I passed on by any more diecast as the cheapest one I saw was $5.00. No, I picked up this Karmann Ghia emblem for two sawbucks. The dude was asking $5.00, when I countered with a two bucks, he kind of laughed. When I related to him it wasn't really in that great of shape and was only going to be wall art, he laughed and said that since "You have a Grand Am shirt on, I'll do it". I picked up that shirt over at the Roar before the 24 with the Kid last month. And as cheap as I am, it has GrandAm's old logo and I found it in the clearance bin at their booth. Got it for $8.oo!

And look again at the above image. In it are three VW's and a VW emblem I have had since I owned my Jetta. That yellow and blue bus on the second shelf is a panel bus wearing "Michelin" logos. Didn't plan on these being included but wait until I get to the Citroens!! There are two of them in the image above alone! Also, a early series Bronco thehorsefarmer and the barngoddess favor, half of a CJ2 fire jeep thejeepjunkie enjoys, and a Dodge Power Wagon.
I included a close up of that Ghia emblem to show you the condition of it. I don't think it was in good enough condition to be worn on any worthy Karmann Ghia.

I then slid on around the corner and saw a guy selling, of course, more VW stuff but he had a bin full of hubcaps. I asked how much were they? $5.00 a piece. I mentioned that I have BMW, Mercedes, Corvette, Chevrolet, Jeep and other hubcaps I can't remember hanging on the walls in the living room of the Taj Mahal and would he take a buck for the hubcap in the worst condition? He laughed and said "Yeah". And it is proudly on display just under the ice scraper thehorsefarmer had delivered to me via thejeepjunkie. That is the olelongrooffan's chair just to the right of that $1.00 hubcap.

The fact these two guys so willingly played "Let's Make A Deal" with me meant they must have thought I was a pretty cool guy. But I really think things are so slow in discretionary spending, even a buck is a buck.
But in doing the math, that shirt was $8 minus the $3 saved on the Ghia emblem minus the $4 saved on that old hubcap, the price on that shirt, I have worn only twice, is now down to a buck. I can't to wear it again. Maybe it will soon be making me some money!!
And the other really cool thing I got from the hubcap dude is this
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and that knowledge really allows me to
Celebrate Life.
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