One of the things this olelongrooffan has been doing is traveling all over greater Volusia County, Florida visually evaluating residential properties for a real estate investor out Californey way. Today I did just that.
But first, this morning as I was utilizing Google Maps to find said locations, the extremely complicated communications system here at the Taj Majal started going crazy notifying this olelongrooffan the answering of an incoming phone call was desired.
And I did.
"Whatcha doing longroof?"
And I told him, and you jeepjunkie?
Heading up to TomP's place to check it out, wanna go?
Sure jeepjunkie.
And we did. Once we arrived we realized the lawn did need mowing and I jumped on that lawn tractor so this olelongrooffan would not have to deal with the business end of a gasoline powered weedeater.
We finished up that endeavor and headed back to the Taj Mahal. I got back on these tubes to complete the geographical mapping of my day and thejeepjunkie enjoyed at least 12 ounces of his favorite cold beverage on the veranda of the Taj Mahal.
Now sometimes the requested viewing of the desired homes is in a desirable neighborhood

And is the case most of the time these days, it is, once again, thejeepjunkie.
"Whatcha doing longroof?"
Just finishing up my review, you?
Heading to the beach in the 2A, you wanna ride along?
H*ll yeah.
See ya in a few.
So this olelongrooffan fills an appropriately sized cooler with some of thejeepjunkie's favorite beverage, plus a few of mine for this olelongrooffan and I settle in my huge barco lounger and wait for thejeepjunkie to show.
He does and I walk out the impressive front door of the Taj Mahal and he voices his appreciation at my choice of accompanyment.
This olelongrooffan lumbers into the passenger compartment of the civilian version of the Willys MB and we head off on that ardeous trip to the World's Most Famous Beach, some two blocks away.
After some humorous wrangling with the beach access dude, we finally get through that Homeland Security Nightmare and get down on the beach.
Now remember, this olelongrooffan is being transported in a 1946 Willys CJ2A and it is bright yellow! As a result, and this happens every time thejeepjunkie and this olelongrooffan traverse this crushed shell beach, dang near everyone, well except those morons who choose to cross the traffic lanes without looking sideways to check for traffic, most of those beach visitors who of a certain age or a certain "It's A Jeep Thing" notice us.
Well, thejeepjunkie, in his advanced age, has developed a certain adage of talking to himself. I am not sure if anyone is listening and this olelongrooffan has quit listening a long time ago.
But, in almost Rally Driving Fashion, I have gotten into providing some navigational advice to my driver as in "Kid on the left, not looking at all....Don't speed throught this area....Watch out for that whale paying no attention to what is around her"....well you get the idea.
And then thejeepjunkie launches into a tyraid about how "You Can't Fix Stupid."
So there we are on the beach, relaxing and enjoying a cruise, me listening to thejeepjunkie going on about the stuck tourist in the Cadillac SRX and the guys trying to get him out.
"Hello, did you not see the 4WD vehicles only sign just a hundred yards previous? Dumb*ss."
It was cool though. I mentioned to thejeepjunkie not to say a word and let's see what happens.
Well, let's just say those Hoons finally got that front wheel drive recent vintage Caddy crossover unstuck with no help from thejeepjunkie and this olelongrooffan but we sure had a good time watching them.
We also experienced the Caddy CUV driver trying to get a couple tens for a twenty to compensate his tow crew with a ten spot when a commercial crew would charge a buck fiddy for it.
And, oh yeah, that Caddy driver was stuck, once again, just a few hundred yards up the beach.
With no Saviors in sight.
While we were cruising along, we spotted this taxivan in the distance. (sorry about this olelongrooffan's feet in this image, but after all, we are cruisin')

Down the beach aways, we spotted this sweet 86 Caddy Fleetwood and stopped to take a look at it. That's thejeepjunkie in the background talking with the vacationing owners of this highly desirable classic automobile while this olelongrooffan was checking out that huge vehicle.

"Sh*t, longroof, we're out of gas."
So thejeepjunkie whips out his cell and makes a phone call.
And the totally opposite of this occurance occurs, the Kid comes to the rescue. By the time the Kid was able to get out of the house, apparently dinner is more important to some in that household than rescueing family, the tide had really started rolling in.
While we were waiting for the Kid to come to the rescue, that Caddy owner came over and we chatted it up all the while watching morons getting stuck on the beach. Upon approach, he asked thejeepjunkie if he wanted a ride to a gas station? thejeepjunkie's response? "Naw, I got a 17 year old son."

But Man! It was fun!
And it is having family to come to the rescue, wet rides on the beach with thejeepjunkie and not having to wash that Willys that evening that really allows this olelongrooffan to
Celebrate Life.
You always make me smile with a great story John... thanks!
great story!
ps--- it's 97+ degrees here this afternoon, I was painting a rent house.
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