Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Barnfind For This olelongrooffan
As anyone Counting Along With Me knows this olelongrooffan is Car Crazy.
As I have mentioned numerous times in past blogs, I am confident my brothers and I inherited this passion from my Dad, TheGentlemanFarmer.
I mean with 9 kids, and another on the way, he was able to procure this 1932 Ford Model A while living in a huge *ss house in Shrewsbury, Mo, working at a printing company and driving two VW microbuses.
Later, after a move to the Ozarks, he was able to acquire this super cool longroof along with an Optimist pram sailboat. This 1967 Ford Country Squire, by and away, is the foremost reason my moniker is 'longrooffan'.
And I can remember taking a cross diocese trip, one in which TheGentleManFarmer did not let my schoolwork get in the way of my education, and we spotted this wrecked Chevy Nova on the hook. We were traveling, for whatever reason, in my maternal grandmother's 62 Chevy Bel Air and when this future longrooffan spotted it across from Miller Motors in Mountain View, TheGentlemanFarmer turned around so I could check it out further. By the way, he did, too.
I am sure you observant Counters Out There will recognize the long sleeve, button down collar oxford shirt this olelongrooffan is sporting in this photograph as the type of fashion statement I still make.
Of course, a few years later this happened: and the GentlemanFarmer, in his unimitatable way bestowed this wonder of delights
to this olelongrooffan for my participation in the adventures of that Sweptline Series Dodge pickup.
Well, one of the photographs that brings me the fondest photographic memories of my youth is the one shown below. Yeah, me reading The Treasury of the Automobile on the floor of his den at 1822 S. National, Springfield, Missouri.
I even included a reference to it on my first blog over at Hooniverse, 'How This Hoon Became A Hoon'.
By the way Counters, it is 8:15 pm EDT and if you have been following along with me, a huge double prop military helicopter just flew north along my beach.
So, anyway, much speculation has been put forth toward the location of this copywritten in 1961 coffee table sized book, but to no final avail.
Now if any of you Counters have clicked on any of the blogs on the blog list just to the right, you will notice that the vast majority are automobile related (you should see my favorites on my home page).
One of them is one I call "More Car Stuff", although his title is "Tamerlane's Thoughts". It is an excellent, insightful blog, not just obscure cars but food and geopolitics to boot! Anyway, Kashgar216 did a blog a couple weeks ago about Powell's Books up in Portland, Oregon. He mentioned he found a great automotive related book he found there from his youth. He also threw down the gauntlet in that he was headed back up there from Northern Californey and if his followers wanted anything, we had better get there before he did. Turns out was having a huge sale and it was liquidation time!
So, this olelongrooffan accepted that challenge and headed over to that site and I am so grateful to Kashgar for directing me that way but especially for a heretofore unknown Steve for doing this in 1967:Seems Steve had bequested his father a copy of 'The Treasury of the Automobile' for his Dad's birthday and now, some 43 years later, Powells wants to sell that copy to me.
Well, Counters, the sale price of that highly desirable book was a belief defying
$5.20 plus a whole $6.98 shipping and handling.
You got it....a total of $12.18 for one of the most formative books of my youth!
Yeah Counters, this olelongrooffan finally got my barn find, even though it is of the print variety.
So, this olelongrooffan ponyed up that $12.18 and today a driver of a Big Brown Truck delivered that book to the Taj Mahal. And even though a buck or two is nearly impossible to come by these days,
this olelongrooffan is going to have a great time reading the sans-sarif 1961 generated font on this ole book as I continue to
Celebrate Life.
Be back in a couple weeks!
*from the forward of The Treasury of The Automobile.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hammer Down To Macon Town
As thejeepjunkie related here, The Kid's American Legion baseball team made it to the state finals this weekend down in Bradenton, a long 45 minutes south of Tampa on Eisenhower's Interstate 75. It was a double elimination tournament. The Kid's team lost the first one on Friday morning and had another scheduled for the same time on Saturday.
Well, their victory in that game set up another game today, Sunday, at high noon. Around a Japanese dental appointment, you know tooth hurty, this olelongrooffan called thejeepjunkie,
"Whatcha doing longroof?" was his greeting.
"Wondering if you are sitting by the pool or sitting by the wheel?"
"Sitting by the wheel," was his response.
"Tell The Kid I'm bummed for him, have fun in the Ozarks and drive safely."
"Will do. Thanks longroof. See ya"
and click. Yeah that's the way we are.
So unfortunately, unlike the Kid's sister,
he didn't walk away from the last game of the season with a trophy.
But to my family in the Ozarks, that just means you get to spend a little more time with the Kid and that big white truck.
And the reference to the title of this blog?
They are just south of Macon, Georgia and look to be in the Ozark Mountains mid morning on Monday.
And this olelongrooffan knows ya'll will
Celebrate Life.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's.........
I am sure the fact there are three flight schools within 10 miles of the Taj Mahal also has a great deal to do with the number of private planes I spot on a regular basis. That and two fly-in communities nearby.
Then, of course, there are the planes towing advertising banners behind flying up and down the coastline hawking everything from Geico Insurance (probably need to double click on the following image to see it)

Even vintage military aircraft play a part. On July 4th, TheGoodAttorney and this olelongrooffan were celebrating Happy Hour on the front veranda of the Taj Mahal and we spotted these 4 P-51 Mustangs. TheGoodAttorney commented, "longroof, you have great karma. We are witnessing our own private air show here at the Taj Mahal. At my home we wouldn't even know this was going on."

Then, there are

Then there was the time I didn't get to see the Goodyear blimp down in MickeyMouseLand.
Well Counters, this olelongrooffan met up with Manuel Labor on this Chamber of Commerce kind of Sunday to finish up a project and acquire some photographic evidence to get to the owners. As my super-duper sophisticated email provider only lets me send two, maybe three, images at a time, I usually load them on to a blog I have just for that purpose and then email them a link.
As this olelongrooffan was doing just that this afternoon on the veranda of the Taj Mahal, I heard a distinctive sounding engine emanating from the north and out along the coastline. I immediately knew a treat was heading my way albeit two blocks away above the beach and went inside the massive Taj Mahal to get my image taker.
And man was I in for a treat. Other than the Shuttle for the Shuttle, this was the coolest sighting of flying machines this olelongrooffan has witnessed down on my beach.
Yeah Counters, it is one of the Goodyear Blimps, live and in person. I have seen them before out at several events at the Daytona International Speedway but those times there is a multitude of stimuli that the sightings get kind of overlooked.
Not today though, I know that Blimp pilot decided to fly along my beach just for this olelongrooffan.

And know that seeing cr*p like this and being able to share it with you Counters that really allows this olelongrooffan to
Celebrate Life.
Just Saying

Now, as some of you Counters out there will remember, this olelongrooffan is still without steady employment. Hell, I didn't even make the cut for a Planning Aide position in the Daytona Beach Planning Department. I still meet with Manuel Labor though.
As a consequence of my state of employment, this olelongrooffan made the decision not to run the air conditioner in the massive Taj Mahal this summer. I just can't afford a buck and a half per month for the privilege of cooled air.
It is alright though as there is almost always an ocean breeze here, even though it is regularly in the low 90's with about 80% humidity. I just wear a pair of shorts when around the Taj.
An added bonus is that it just doesn't seem that hot to me.
Well, these interwebs tell me that most of the good ole USA is in the middle of a heat wave and this olelongrooffan empathizes with ya'll but remember these days will be here real soon.

And even though it is hot as h*ll out, remember to
Celebrate Life.
Friday, July 23, 2010
North, South Carolina
I did, however, receive an email from my buddy TomK and here it is for your enjoyment.
In an almost Abbott and Costello way, I thought this video of You Bet Your Life was hilarious.
Hope you enjoy it as much as this olelongrooffan did.
And don't worry Counters, even though I basically don't have a life, this olelongrooffan still remembers how to
Celebrate Life.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Road Construction Ahead
After my financial commitment was made, this olelongrooffan was east bound and down and as I passed under this and I remembered this was going on.
And in an effort to keep those of you Counting Along With This olelongrooffan informed of the progress, I whipped into the parking lot of the Daytona International Speedway and inquired of one of the security dudes where the grandstand was that could be traversed at no cost to view the repaving. "Head over to the Daytona 500 Experience," I attended here, "and they will let you in," was his response.
And I did.

Before I could get out of the tram area, I noticed a sign saying that the grandstands were closed today. I was bummed. So, this olelongrooffan went over to talk to one of the tram drivers who was standing behind the check in counter. I inquired if the grandstands were indeed closed today. Yep, he said, too much heavy truck traffic in the area today and we don't want anyone to be injured.

Yes Sir!! Sometimes really good things happen if you just let them.
Well Counters, this olelongrooffan grabbed a seat at the rear in the last row of the last tram car and waited for my benefactor to get the show on the road.
I have mentioned previously that these trams just barely fit through the "old" tunnel and here is proof of that. I am sitting in the far right hand seat and that mesh is the "door" to the row I am on. The red thing is the guardrail keeping vehicles away from the pedestrians walking through this tunnel. Yeah, it is a squeeze.
These images are not representative of the order in which they were taken but you get the idea. The tram stopped just outside Victory Lane and the driver let everyone get out for image taking on the winners platform.
Well I am sure you Counters realize this may have been interesting for the touristas but I am here for the repaving. So I head over to get a shot of this grader moving the limerock base around near the Start/Finish line.
I actually took the next two after I had left the complex and captured that dozer and dumptruck from just outside the facility. After we left Victory Lane, the tram pulled out onto pit road. Quite a bit quieter than the last time I was there.
I got these two images of the pavement removal machine while we were still at Victory Lane.As a side note, all of the removed asphalt is being hauled to a secure, fenced in area to be sold at a later date or to be included with the purchase of ticket to the 2011 Daytona 500. Yeah, always a buck to be made around here.
A rare sight of turns 3 and 4 with no catch fencing and the SAFER barrier removed.
I did learn something new today. See that Sunoco tower in the folowing image? There is one of those at all four corners of the track and two NASCAR spotters sit in each on during a race to look for debris on the track and spot the flagman in case of an accident.
They are actually building a road for the "cantilever" equipment to drive on to hold the paving equipment in place on the high banks.
See that pavement "washout" in the center of the track. You can read all about it here.
And a section of track along the backstretch with the lightpoles and catch fencing still in place. Someone on the tram mentioned that the Start/Finish Line is going to the Smithsonian. I have not yet been able to document this.
But this olelongrooffan has this to say about that. I'm not really sure how it could be removed in one piece and then transported to DC, but if it can be done, that would be really cool.
Well Counters, that's it. The fact this olelongrooffan struck a chord in that tram driver and prompted him to get me that courtesy ticket sure allows me to
Celebrate Life.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Another Pretty Cool Video From Kashgar216
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Super Saturday At The Brumos Porsche 250
I'm just heading out myself and I'll see you there.
Now as this olelongrooffan related my parking situation on Friday, I figured I would need a new place to park my oleragtop on this Saturday. Well, as it turns out, as I was leaving the track on Friday, I spotted a new Bug parked on the island at the side entrance to the NASCAR office complex, without a ticket, so I knew where the oleragtop was parking on Saturday.
I did so, walked the short block to the entrance to the turn 4 tunnel. It was a shorter distance than I had walked yesterday from my illegally parked oleragtop to the GM powered shuttle.
As it was not quite 9:00 am, I wasn't sure the shuttles were running yet. I walked up to the information booth and inquired as to the pickup location for the shuttle. The elderly gentleman standing there gestured to a nearby stretch golf cart and told me to climb in.
And this olelongrooffan did. He drove me through that tunnel and, once inside, stopped in front of a Chrysler minivan, telling me to climb in the front seat of that van.
And this olelongrooffan did. The driver of that minivan asked me where I was going. I showed him my Super Deluxe Pass and said "The pits." That driver proceeded to shuttle this olelongrooffan to the pits section of the Daytona International Speedway early that Saturday morning.
Can't beat your own personalized transportation at the track and not one red cent was expended by this olelongrooffan! Another reason this olelongrooffan loves thejeepjunkie.
Before I get really going on the race car portion of this post, let me try to demonstrate the scale of the Daytona International Speedway complex.

The image below is looking due south over the top of and row of transporters and over looking the tops of the driver's motorcoaches. The blue ribbon is the catch fence with the Daytona International Airport air traffic control tower beyond. The backstretch grandstands are to the right of this image and turn 3 is to the left.

As the weather this Saturday was iffy as far as rain goes, Gainsco Racing had a set of slicks ready for the next pit stop but the rain tires were patiently waiting close by should they be called to duty.

Yeah Counters, as much as this olelongrooffan loves and appreciates that sometimes trusty Polaroid (thanks again Bus), in the past few months it had started to become rather unreliable doing stuff like going out of focus for several images and it would have to be turned off and then back on to make if operate correctly. Well, I thought about toughing it out until, one time on ebay, I spotted a HP photosmart 6 pixel for a buy it now $28 including shipping price. So I did and the much beloved Polaroid is working back up duty. If these things get any cheaper they will pay me to take them!
Anyway, HP and this olelongrooffan were able to get some at speed images. One of them is of the Stevenson Camaros running through the tri-oval on the front stretch of Daytona.

Another shot from Rusty's cart. Incidentally, if you double click on these images they are a ton better.

The calm after the storm, at least with reference to pit stops in this race series.

And back to the east horseshoe.
And while we were there, thejeepjunkie spotted Papa John's Camaro passing us by. Sorry no images available but know it was cool.
And one of only two permanent casualties that day. Boris's Corvette
and this Daytona Prototype sponsored by Flex-Box, which according to Google is a pretty intense computer application or a shipping container from a company in Philadelphia.
I'm gonna go with that computer thing.
And lest you Counters Out There think this two and half hour race was filled with non stop excitement, well to this olelongrooffan it was, but on the Spirit of Daytona team,it was just another day at the office. Actually this race is the shortest one of the season in this series.
This is a shot of the roadway behind the pit boxes. The black building to the right is the Goodyear Tower and just in front of it is Victory Lane from which this olelongrooffan has been asked to leave on more than one occasion.
While I am not a huge fan of Porsche's (the roofs aren't long enough) I just plain ole like Brumos Porsche and their history of legendary sports car racing.
This guy is just waiting around for his time out there having fun!
And a few spare parts.
Command central for the Stevenson Camaros. That big screen on the left received a closed circuit broadcast of the entire race, yeah, without commercials. This olelongrooffan would love to have that ability in the Taj Mahal.
And the Gainsco team readying for another round of pit stops.
Oh Yeah!!
Can you say wheel spin?
The scent of burnt rubber and burnt racing fuel, two of my favorite things. Yeah this probably explains my current romantic situation!
These three images are in mixed up in the order of occurence but you get the picture.
Super fast paced but deliberate action.
When this Brumos Porsche would come into pit, at about this point it would take a sharp left and come directly toward me. Every time, this olelongrooffan would take a couple steps back.
And back to racing action.
This olelongrooffan has this to say about that. I think for 28 bucks, I got a pretty good deal.
Check out the skies to the north of the speedway. That, Counters, is why there were rain tires present that Saturday morning.And, of course, the ever popular jeepjunkie had to commandeer an unsuspecting golf cart to use as an office while out there by the east horseshoe.
Now Counters, this is a pretty motivational highlight to the race and kudos to MazdaSpeed. The number 65 Mazda RX8 was staffed by an entirely Mexican team, both wrenches and drivers. And I mean Mexican as in from Mexico, not emigrants from Mexico, but live in Mexico.
One of the team members must be pretty well connected and MazdaSpeed has hooked them up with the use of an RX8 and provided them with non-race support, specifically transportation for the car and equipment in one of their haulers to the different events.
Well, they had a couple different problems with their car while out on the track. The first time they pushed it off the track and into the now vacated Nationwide garage area. thejeepjunkie and I were returning from Rusty's golf cart and noticed they were confused about where to perform their repairs so they just pushed it up to a garage, got the repair done and then back to the race.We never did find out what their first problem was but the second time they pushed it off the track we saundered over to find out. Turns out this time they had punctured a radiator and were replacing it. We saw them finish up and get back out on the track. They finished the Brumos 250, albeit a few laps down, but when I walked by their pit box as they were tearing down, everyone of them had a smile and an occasional high five. This olelongrooffan gives you an "A" for effort, Amigos.
Well, the 01 of Chip Ganassi won the DP class of this race with the ever classy Scott Speed behind the wheel while the #66 Porsche won the GT class.
Each winner in class headed to Victory Lane while the remaining top five in each class hung out as all ten of those cars are required to pass through "tech" after the race.
I am fairly certain Boris Said is bummed to have gotten "loaned out" for this race.
I do like the look of those Camaros in race trim but I remember hearing over the loudspeaker, while the racecars were on the other side of the speedway that they suffer a weight disadvantage of several hundred pounds over the others in the GT class.
And the TRG sponsored GT winner being interviewed by SpeedTv. This was the only time I saw any Grand Am official without his helmet on all day.
And not a Pirelli girl in sight!
The Brumos team is heading back to that remote garage area to head on back to their Jacksonville home.
And click on the above image to see the debris that collects on the nose of these cars. Just imagine after 24 hours of racing what they look like. I'll try and get an image of that in February.
And after that Brumos DP headed out, I took a look at their pit lane parking spot. The teams always put down tape to provide the drivers a reference point in which to come to a stop.
Yeah, just a little bit of rubber was laid down on pit road today.
And if you think this is a walk in the park kind of race, check out the
gathering of grass in the air intake on the McDonald's Ford.
By this time, thejeepjunkie had headed out to attend the Kid's sister's softball game. As it was now after 2 pm, NASCAR officials had opened the impounded garage area to the general public and this olelongrooffan headed over to our benefactor's garage to express both his and my appreciation at being the recepients of those Super Deluxe Passes.I was able to hook up with TheMan and expressed that appreciation. His response was no problem, have thejeepjunkie give me a call in January and I hope his daughter does well in her softball game.
You can bet this olelongrooffan will make sure thejeepjunkie does just that.
So, unlike that Saturday morning, a private shuttle was not available so I hopped onto a GM powered one and arrived back at the turn 4 tunnel in no time. I hoofed it the block back to my ticket free oleragtop and headed back to the Taj Mahal. Now this olelongrooffan has been asked by some of you Counters Out There, via email and, now, texts, yeah, I'm getting sucked into texting, why I did not attend the Nationwide Race or the Coke Zero 400.
Well Counters, it's like this.
And know this olelongrooffan is not trying to be blase about it....
My Super Deluxe Pass is not good for the grandstands, although I'll bet ya a buck I could get in, and the top row of the grandstands is the best place to watch a NASCAR race....actually the private suites above the top row is the best least at the Speedway.
From the infield it is just an, almost, nauseating drone of engine noise going round and round. And the glare of overhead light reflecting off those racecars reminds this olelongrooffan of the original movie TRON, in that it is almost computer generated.
Then let's factor in drunk rednecks late at night trying to stumble onto those shuttles to get out to their cars and drive back to their hotels.
Additionally, let's think about a three hour rain delay while surrounded by drunk and wet rednecks!
Plus the security staff and officials at a Grand Am event are much more relaxed, probably because of the lack of the presence of the above two items.
Plus the fact that in order to get to the Taj Mahal which is north and east of the Speedway, when leaving said Speedway after a NASCAR event, I have to travel south and west.
But trust me on this one Counters, other than possessing the experience of attending a NASCAR event with some 100,000, or so, other race fans, the best place to watch a race is on TV in your living room or back porch or any other place with just a few friends around. You get to hear the commentators insight, speak with your friends about the action on the track at less than a full out scream, walk to the fridge for a cold one, have a free snack, watch all the replays and the bathroom is just a few steps away.
But for this television deprived olelongrooffan, the best place for a NASCAR race is sitting in the massive living room of the Taj Mahal listening to the Atlantic Ocean breakers and the race on the MRN racing radio network and trying to envision, through the words of those announcers, the action on the track.
It reminds me, with extreme pleasure, of listening on the radio, with TheGentlemanFarmer all those years ago, to Jack Buck announcing the St. Louis Cardinal baseball games and envisioning the action on the diamond.
And that Counters is how this olelongrooffan, in the smallest and most obscure way, is able to really
Celebrate Life.