Sunday, October 24, 2010

Daytona Dream Cruise Saturday

So, as I mentioned in a post over at Hooniverse, this olelongrooffan was supposed to direct parking at a venue for the Daytona Dream Cruise this Chamber of Commerce kind of Saturday down here in sunny Daytona Beach, Florida. It turned out to be much more than that.

Yeah, that umbrella has seen some action! That ole CJ was my point of origin and, much like a travelling salesman or an Officer of the Law, my office. But I am not complaining as I was still able to Celebrate Life.

But that was this morning. Now at 11:25 pm EST, my ass is dragging but know I am committed (or should be committed somewhere) to you Counters and needed to get this post in just for, as we say in the South, all ya'll.

No verbage is forthcoming but know this is represents a minor part of the variety of vehicles this olelongrooffan will be posting the next few days.

And even though this olelongrooffan is exhausted, I can still

Celebrate Life.

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