Monday, October 25, 2010

A Couple Classics

So, this evening over at Hooniverse, this olelongrooffan did a couple posts about this past weekend's Daytona Dream Cruise and I thought you Counters might enjoy them.

But I saved this one just for you Counters out there.

Amidst all the blowers, fiberglass Ghias, street rods and overly restored vehicles, this olelongrooffan spotted these two and wanted to share them with you.

While slightly modified, they still have a stock appearance and are desirable to this olelongrooffan. And to be honest with you, I didn't verify the make of that pickup but I believe it is a late 1930's or 1940 Chevrolet product.
And that vehicle of the same vintage parked next to it? Well Counters, it is a
Harley Earl designed LaSalle. Originally designed to be the in between vehicle between the Oldsmobile and the Cadillac for General Motors in the late 1920's, it was a bit more agile and enjoyed a relatively sporty following. Nowadays, the LaSalle owners and the Cadillac owners have the Cadillac-LaSalle Club as their common association.
Now there is a much greater history of this marque than this olelongrooffan is aware of but I can tell you this: I doubt there are any late 30's Cadillacs with an Indian blanket as the front seat upholstery.

I spotted it that Saturday afternoon and my being able to share it with you...well it is that, which lets this olelongrooffan

Celebrate Life.

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