Well, Hoons, after a productive day at work, yeah it's that way when I am out of the office and away from these tubes, this olelongrooffan is back to finish up my Sunday out at the Halifax MOPAR Club's show.

When I spotted this pair of Barracuda's, I had a chuckle to myself thinking of the
one the JeffMan spotted on Saturday.

I am pretty sure these are '68 notchbacks and this one was bone stock and absolutely gorgeous. I don't know what the Pentastar called that color back in the day but it sure was pretty in the bright Florida sunshine.

This sticker was on the driver's wing vent of the Cuda parked next to it.

This beast. According to the display on the windshield, it came from the factory as a "white car" meaning it, as
AteUpWithMotor sets forth, came from the factory with a 426 Hemi and most seemed to be destined to drive 1/4 mile at a time.

Now, this olelongrooffan is not much of a muscle car guy and really have no idea of the difference in appearance between a 383 or a 426, but know this Hoons, that motor was stuffed in that engine compartment.

Also on the windshield information placard were posted a bunch of old school photographs of this multihued straight line race car.

This was on the rear of it in place of the stock Barracuda lettering so I'll presume it possesses the big block aforementioned.

Sorry about the contrast in this image. As I mentioned previously, my digital is a trusty $50 Walgreens provided Polaroid.

And check out the meaty Hoosiers on the *ss end of this thing.

I would hate to have to turn corners in that thing at any type of speed.
There were plenty of late model MOPARs present also. Oddly enough, this was the only Viper.

But there were at least a half dozen of these Prowlers, of them fitted with an external trunk as was done in the early days of the automobile.

I spotted this Chrysler Windsor and thought of my brother, thehorsefarmer, who had one of these in sedan version back in the late 60's.

Needless to say, this 55 coupe is in a h*lluva lot better shape.

I also spotted this 52 Plymouth business man's coupe.

If this olelongrooffan's memory serves me correctly, this car was favored by travelling salesmen as they could carry their wares in that oversized trunk.

When I saw this Coronet, I had to find the owner and ask about that color. " Muave," was his reply. "Just like it came from the factory." He got out from under that umbrella in the background and came over to the trunk and showed me a photo album with an old school Polaroid photo of his Dad on the day he brought it home from the dealership. He also had a picture of him on the night of his senior prom with this beauty. Gotta love the history!

They were others this olelongrooffan spotted but there just isn't enough room all of my images but I did want to include the hood ornament off a 1938 Dodge Coupe.

And it has been said before and this olelongrooffan will say it again.
Lambo doors are so passe', Lamborghini doesn't do them anymore.

And just for Ambersand, this pristine, vintage, bus.

And having a great day out in the beautiful sunshine, making a new friend, and seeing all these cool cars really lets me
Celebrate Life.
More images here.
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