Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Hoonmas Score

I suspect those of you who have been Counting Along With Me know this olelongrooffan also does some blogging over in the Hooniverse.

For the past couple Christmas's, a group of us over there have participated in a gift exchange program basically sending some Hoonworthy stuff to total Hoon strangers chosen for us by the Hooniverse Overlords.

Late last week, I received a cool group of stuff from my Secret Santa.  Included was this orange longroof seen on the above shelf along with the busted up bearing standing in front of it.

I also got a framed print of a 66 Chevy longroof that Santa took at a car show a couple years ago and a bottle of R-134 air conditioning recharging solution.

Should I ever install air in my ole beater Jeep Comanche!

Hope your Holidays are as much fun as mine.

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