However, I did want to share with those of you Counting Along With Me some of the over 1,200 images I gathered this weekend. Not alot of commentary in this post but look for more as this sleep deprived olelongrooffan gathers my energy back.

This year, the powers that be gathered a bunch of the past winners of the Rolex24 for the 50th anniversary. Friday morning they all gathered for a parade from beachside to the track. I was able to capture a few of them in the parade.

But before the parade, this olelongrooffan

up close and personal.

Yeah, I have a disease for doing things like this.

But, I especially love the company my ole Comanche keeps.

Here is a quick video I was able to capture with my elcheapo 28 dollar ebay camera.
That's it for this time around. I gotta hit the sack. I did a post over in the Hooniverse about the parade, similar to this one and it can be seen here.
Night night and this olelongrooffan hopes everyone will, as I did this weekend,
Celebrate Life.